Coffee: Boxed Reference Deck–Single Copy: The World’s Great Recipes, Stories and Histories
COFFEE, The World’s Great Recipes, Histories and Stories is a valuable guide to the history, lore and recipes for traditional and modern coffee drinks, coffees and coffee recipes. Replete with fascinating coffee education and lore these beautifully photographed coffee cards tell the tale of one of our most valued beverages, coffee. From its historical beginnings
COFFEE, The World’s Great Recipes, Histories and Stories is a valuable guide to the history, lore and recipes for traditional and modern coffee drinks, coffees and coffee recipes. Replete with fascinating coffee education and lore these beautifully photographed coffee cards tell the tale of one of our most valued beverages, coffee. From its historical beginnings the path of coffee has influenced and been influenced by history, created trade routes and made and ruined fortunes.
Coffee, The World’s Great Recipes is a boxed set of 40 reference cards, offering color photographs, descriptions, histories and lore about the world’s most popular and interesting coffee drinks. Easy to follow coffee and coffee drink recipes are also included.
Informative and entertaining Love exploring the history of cafe. I plan to use this to make drinks in the future. I wish it was clipped together so pages wouldn’t get lost easily. Still it is interesting to see the different types of coffee recipes
Good coffee table deck I have had only a couple of coffees on the list and the history is interesting. I knew nothing about Indian coffee other than the special utensil its made in. Now you can learn of different coffees and how to make them too.
Fantastic coffee education These cards are a great resource and they look beautiful. It makes you want to try every recipe, and the information on each coffee and type is in depth and fascinating! The photos are beautiful. All of the products in these Ghigo Press boxed cards lines are really wonderful.